Who might need Temenos Transact testing automation, or find your symptoms

Your business and management constantly:

  • asking for new features, products, functions;
  • arguing against long time-to-market for new features;
  • grumbling regarding involving them to testing process;
  • claiming regarding quality (the new feature broke some existing functionality).
You have huge volume of local developments and customization, so every Transact-update installation looks like a risky challenge.

You spends a lot of resources for a manual-testing.

Using FORANX TESTTOOL the following benefits become available:

  • short time-to-market for new products and developments, due to ability to perform automated regression and new features testing in hours, not in days and in weeks as with manual testing.
  • due to automation of testing process and test-cases re-usability there is no need to attract a lot of business-users (experts), testers and IT-staff to execute even a bulk testing.
  • higher quality of local developments, stressless core-updates applying and minimum incidents in PROD/LIVE due to ability to test all business scenarios, all products and all feasible workflows for every deployment and in short time.

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